Our Events, Projects, & Activities
Ship 1942 participates in a variety of activities - year round. Even if it's too cold for sailing, you can bet we're doing something. Don't forget our amazing service projects!
Biweekly Meetings
Ship 1942 is currently hosting all of our biweekly meetings (every 2 weeks) at St. George's Episcopal Church. Check the Calendar for more information on specific dates.
Monday Sailing
We sail out of Washington Sailing Marina every Monday in the Spring, Summer, and start of Fall.
Long Cruise
Every year Ship 1942 takes a two week cruise along the Chesapeake bay. This is our "main event" and always fun!
Scout experience advanced leadership training is a national Sea Scouts event to train senior Scouts.
Camp Able
Camp Able is held annually by Ship 1942 to assist Scouts in achieving the "Able" rank in Sea Scouts.
Merit Badges Afloat
Our spring and fall "open house." At this event, Boy Scouts are invited to learn about Sea Scouts and related merit badges.This is a great way to start Sea Scouting!
Lifeguard Camp
This summer event is designed to teach Scouts the basics of lifesaving and lifeguarding. This camp is a great way to learn lifesaving; you may need it someday!
Parade of Lights
A yearly event held around the holidays. Ship members gather to decorate our vessels in holiday fashion. A small parade is held around the harbor with other boats.
Scout Sunday
To show appreciation for our wonderful charter organization, St. George's Episcopal Church, Sea Scouts attend and participate in a Sunday mass.